About Us

I am an online specialists, who strive in providing accurate information and guide to the public. This, i believe will always help the public to stay safe while using the internet and It’s services.

Our Mission

At “hausaten.com,” our mission is to provide guidance on overseas scholarships and insurance tips. Our decision to focus on travel guidance was not spontaneous; rather, it stemmed from a crucial realization. We noticed that individuals often encounter fraud issues while navigating online platforms and seeking information from some agents. This prompted us to intervene and provide enhanced guidance, ensuring that people are well-informed about legitimate avenues for scholarships and insurance.

How We Gather Our Information

Before providing any insights regarding scholarships and insurance, we conduct thorough and comprehensive research. Our approach involves utilizing various methods to ensure the information we present is accurate and relevant. Some of the strategies we employ include:

  1. Conducting In-Depth Online Searches: We delve into a multitude of online sources, ranging from reputable websites to forums and discussion groups, to gather diverse perspectives and insights.
  2. We actively seek feedback from audience regarding their experiences with scholarships and insurance providers, incorporating their perspectives to enrich our content and recommendations.